Here is a collection of links to interesting sites concerning IO-Warrior. If you are running a website covering issues related to IO-Warrior please let us know. Send a short description and the link to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



FSHWPanel - A flight simulator cockpit with IO-Warrior.
Hamsterrad - An interactive installation about the changes in the world of labour uses IO-Warrior and SpinWarrior.


Software and other resourcen

STLCD a software library to control LCDs from Windows XP, compatible with IOW24 and IOW40.
LCD on MacOS X as a display for iTunes and EyeTV.
.NET library and C# sample codes for IO-Warrior.
CharEdit,VB based software for editing special chars for LCDs and controlling LCDs with up to 4x40 characters, German localisation.
VVVV is a multi media programming environment that supports IO-Warrior.
LIRC Emulation for Linux including output to LCD.
SPS Software for Linux and Windows, supports IO-Warrior.
IOW ALL-in-ONE  test and demo program for IO-Warrior on Windows (German).

IOW Socket SVR Server-Socket tool to connect IO-Warrior local or over network (German).